Display text in small font.

This should be used for captions, asides, footnotes, sidenotes, and other explanatory text.

Function signature[source]

st.caption(body, unsafe_allow_html=False, *, help=None)


body (str)

The text to display as Github-flavored Markdown. Syntax information can be found at: https://github.github.com/gfm.

This also supports:

  • Emoji shortcodes, such as :+1: and :sunglasses:. For a list of all supported codes, see https://share.streamlit.io/streamlit/emoji-shortcodes.
  • LaTeX expressions, by wrapping them in "$" or "$$" (the "$$" must be on their own lines). Supported LaTeX functions are listed at https://katex.org/docs/supported.html.
  • Colored text and background colors for text, using the syntax :color[text to be colored] and :color-background[text to be colored], respectively. color must be replaced with any of the following supported colors: blue, green, orange, red, violet, gray/grey, rainbow. For example, you can use :orange[your text here] or :blue-background[your text here].

unsafe_allow_html (bool)

By default, any HTML tags found in strings will be escaped and therefore treated as pure text. This behavior may be turned off by setting this argument to True.

That said, we strongly advise against it. It is hard to write secure HTML, so by using this argument you may be compromising your users' security. For more information, see:


help (str)

An optional tooltip that gets displayed next to the caption.


import streamlit as st

st.caption('This is a string that explains something above.')
st.caption('A caption with _italics_ :blue[colors] and emojis :sunglasses:')

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