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Get dataframe row-selections from users (streamlit<1.35.0)

Before dataframe selections were introduced in Streamlit version 1.35.0, st.dataframe and st.data_editor did not natively support passing user-selected rows to the Python backend. If you would like to work with row (or column)selections for dataframes, we recommend upgrading to streamlit>=1.35.0. For a newer tutorial, see Get dataframe row-selections from users.

However, if you need a workaround for an older version of Streamlit, you can effectively get row selections by adding an extra Checkbox column) to your dataframe using st.data_editor. Use this extra column to collect a user's selection(s).

In the following example, we define a function which accepts a dataframe and returns the rows selected by a user. Within the function, the dataframe is copied to prevent mutating it. We insert a temporary "Select" column into the copied dataframe before passing the copied data into st.data_editor. We have disabled editing for all other columns, but you can make them editable if desired. After filtering the dataframe and dropping the temporary column, our function returns the selected rows.

import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame( { "Animal": ["Lion", "Elephant", "Giraffe", "Monkey", "Zebra"], "Habitat": ["Savanna", "Forest", "Savanna", "Forest", "Savanna"], "Lifespan (years)": [15, 60, 25, 20, 25], "Average weight (kg)": [190, 5000, 800, 10, 350], } ) def dataframe_with_selections(df): df_with_selections = df.copy() df_with_selections.insert(0, "Select", False) # Get dataframe row-selections from user with st.data_editor edited_df = st.data_editor( df_with_selections, hide_index=True, column_config={"Select": st.column_config.CheckboxColumn(required=True)}, disabled=df.columns, ) # Filter the dataframe using the temporary column, then drop the column selected_rows = edited_df[edited_df.Select] return selected_rows.drop('Select', axis=1) selection = dataframe_with_selections(df) st.write("Your selection:") st.write(selection)

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