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Animate and update elements

Sometimes you display a chart or dataframe and want to modify it live as the app runs (for example, in a loop). Some elements have built-in methods to allow you to update them in-place without rerunning the app.

Updatable elements include the following:

  • st.empty containers can be written to in sequence and will always show the last thing written. They can also be cleared with an additional .empty() called like a method.
  • st.dataframe, st.table, and many chart elements can be updated with the .add_rows() method which appends data.
  • st.progress elements can be updated with additional .progress() calls. They can also be cleared with a .empty() method call.
  • st.status containers have an .update() method to change their labels, expanded state, and status.
  • st.toast messages can be updated in place with additional .toast() calls.

st.empty can hold a single element. When you write any element to an st.empty container, Streamlit discards its previous content displays the new element. You can also st.empty containers by calling .empty() as a method. If you want to update a set of elements, use a plain container (st.container()) inside st.empty and write contents to the plain container. Rewrite the plain container and its contents as often as desired to update your app's display.

st.dataframe, st.table, and all chart functions can be mutated using the .add_rows() method on their output. In the following example, we use my_data_element = st.line_chart(df). You can try the example with st.table, st.dataframe, and most of the other simple charts by just swapping out st.line_chart. Note that st.dataframe only shows the first ten rows by default and enables scrolling for additional rows. This means adding rows is not as visually apparent as it is with st.table or the chart elements.

import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import time df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(15, 3), columns=(["A", "B", "C"])) my_data_element = st.line_chart(df) for tick in range(10): time.sleep(.5) add_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1, 3), columns=(["A", "B", "C"])) my_data_element.add_rows(add_df) st.button("Regenerate")

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