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Use the Google Auth Platform to authenticate users

Google is one of the most popular identity providers for social logins. You can use the Google Auth Platform with both private and organizational Google accounts. This tutorial configures authentication for anyone with a Google account. For more information, see Google's overview of the Google Auth Platform and OpenID Connect.

  • This tutorial requires the following Python libraries:

    streamlit>=1.42.0 Authlib>=1.3.2
  • You should have a clean working directory called your-repository.

  • You must have a Google account and accept the terms of Google Cloud to use their authentication service.

  • You must have a project in Google Cloud within which to create your application. For more information about managing your projects in Google Cloud, see Creating and managing projects in Google's documentation.

In this tutorial, you'll build an app that users can log in to with their Google accounts. When they log in, they'll see a personalized greeting with their name and have the option to log out.

Here's a look at what you'll build:

Complete codeexpand_more


[auth] redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8501/oauth2callback" cookie_secret = "xxx" client_id = "xxx" client_secret = "xxx" server_metadata_url = "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"


import streamlit as st def login_screen(): st.header("This app is private.") st.subheader("Please log in.") st.button("Log in with Google", on_click=st.login) if not st.experimental_user.is_logged_in: login_screen() else: st.header(f"Welcome, {st.experimental_user.name}!") st.button("Log out", on_click=st.logout)

In this section, you'll complete three steps to create your web application in your project in Google Cloud Console:

  • Configure your consent screen.
  • Configure your audience.
  • Configure your client.

The consent screen is what users see from Google within the authentication flow. The audience settings manage your application's status (Testing or Published). Creating a client for your web application generates the ID and secrets needed to configure your Streamlit app. To learn more about consent screens, audience, and clients, see Google's overview of the Google Auth Platform.

  1. Go to the Google Auth Platform, and sign in to Google.

  2. In the upper-left corner, select your project.

  3. In the left navigation menu, select "Branding."

  4. Fill in the required information for your application's consent screen.

    This information controls what users see within the Google authentication flow. Your "App name" is displayed to users within Google's prompts. Google asks users to consent to sending their account information to your application. If you are developing locally and/or deploying on Streamlit Community Cloud, in "Authorized domain," use example.com. For more information about the available fields, see Setting up your OAuth consent screen.

  5. At the bottom of the branding page, select "SAVE."

  1. In the left navigation menu, select "Audience."

  2. Below "OAuth user cap" → "Test users," select "ADD USERS."

  3. Enter the email address for a personal Google account, and select "SAVE."

    When you create a new application in the Google Auth Platform, its status is Testing. While the status is Testing, only specific users can authenticate to your application; users can't register themselves. Therefore, add any email address you want to use for testing your app in development. When you're ready to publish your app, you'll return to this section and change the status to Published. After an application is published, your application will accept new users.

  1. In the left navigation menu, select "Clients."

  2. At the top of the client list, select "CREATE CLIENT."

  3. For the application type, select "Web application."

  4. Enter a unique name for your application.

    The client name is used internally and not shown to your users.

  5. Skip over "Authorized JavaScript origins."

  6. Under "Authorized redirect URIs," select "ADD URI."

  7. Enter your app's URL with the pathname oauth2callback.

    For example, if you are developing locally, enter http://localhost:8501/oauth2callback. If you are using a different port, change 8501 to match your port.

  8. Optional: Add additional authorized redirect URIs.

    If you will host your app from multiple URLs, or if you know a URL you will use in the future, you can add it now. Ensure that each URL includes the oauth2callback pathname.

  9. At the bottom of the screen, select "CREATE."

You now have a client in Google Cloud that's ready to authenticate your users.

  1. From the clients page, select your new client.

  2. To store your app information to use in later steps, open a text editor, or (even better) create a new item in a password locker.

    Always handle your app secrets securely. Remember to label the values as you paste them so you don't mix them up.

  3. On the right, copy your "Client ID" and "Client secret" into your text editor.

For the Google Auth Platform, the server metadata URL is shared between all applications and isn't listed individually in your client. The server metadata URL for the Google Auth Platform is https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration. For more information about the server metadata URL, see The discovery document in Google's documentation.

To create an app with user authentication, you'll need to configure your secrets and prompt your users to log in. You'll use secrets management to store the information from your client, and then create a simple app that welcomes your user by name after they log in.

  1. In your_repository, create a .streamlit/secrets.toml file.

  2. Add secrets.toml to your .gitignore file.



    Never commit secrets to your repository. For more information about .gitignore, see Ignoring files.

  3. Generate a strong, random secret to use as your cookie secret.

    The cookie secret is used to sign each user's identity cookie, which Streamlit stores when they log in.

  4. In .streamlit/secrets.toml, add your connection configuration:

    [auth] redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8501/oauth2callback" cookie_secret = "xxx" client_id = "xxx" client_secret = "xxx" server_metadata_url = "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"

    Replace the values of client_id and client_secret with the values you copied into your text editor earlier. Replace the value of cookie_secret with the random secret you generated in the previous step.

  5. Save your secrets.toml file.

  1. In your_repository, create a file named app.py.

  2. In a terminal, change directories to your_repository, and start your app:

    streamlit run app.py

    Your app will be blank because you still need to add code.

  3. In app.py, write the following:

    import streamlit as st
  4. Save your app.py file, and view your running app.

  5. In your app, select "Always rerun", or press the "A" key.

    Your preview will be blank but will automatically update as you save changes to app.py.

  6. Return to your code.

  1. Define a function that prompts the user to log in:

    def login_screen(): st.header("This app is private.") st.subheader("Please log in.") st.button("Log in with Google", on_click=st.login)

    This function displays a short message and a button. Streamlit's login command is assigned to the button as a callback.



    If you don't want to use a callback, you can replace the last line with an equivalent if statement:

    - st.button("Log in with Google", on_click=st.login) + if st.button("Log in with Google"): + st.login()
  2. Conditioned on whether the user is logged in, call your function to prompt the user, or show their information:

    if not st.experimental_user.is_logged_in: login_screen() else: st.experimental_user

    Because st.experimental_user is a dict-like object in a line by itself, Streamlit magic displays it in your app.

  3. Save your app.py file, and test your running app.

    In your live preview, when you log in to your app, the login button is replaced with the contents of your identity token. Observe the different values that are available from Google. You can use these values to personalize your app for your users.

  4. Return to your code.

  5. Replace st.experimental_user with a personalized greeting:

    else: - st.experimental_user + st.header(f"Welcome, {st.experimental_user.name}!")
  6. Add a logout button:

    st.button("Log out", on_click=st.logout)
  7. Save your app.py file and test your running app.

    In your live preview, if you log out of your app, it will return to the login prompt.

When you are ready to deploy your app, you must update your application on Google Cloud and your secrets. The following steps describe how to deploy your app on Community Cloud.

  1. Add a requirements.txt file to your repository with the following lines:

    streamlit>=1.42.0 Authlib>=1.3.2

    This ensures that the correct Python dependencies are installed for your deployed app.

  2. Save your requirements.txt file.

  3. Deploy your app, and copy your app's URL into your text editor.

    You'll use your app's URL to update your secrets and client configuration in the following steps. For more information about deploying an app on Community Cloud, see Deploy your app.

  4. In your app settings in Community Cloud, select "Secrets."

  5. Copy the contents of your local secrets.toml file, and paste them into your app settings.

  6. Change your redirect_uri to reflect your deployed app's URL, which you copied earlier in this tutorial.

    For example, if your app is my_streamlit_app.streamlit.io, your redirect URI would be https://my_streamlit_app.streamlit.io/oauth2callback.

  7. Save and close your settings.

  8. Return to the clients page in the Google Auth Platform, and select your client.

  9. Under "Authorized redirect URIs," add or update a URI to match your new redirect_uri.

  10. At the bottom of the page, select "SAVE."

  11. Open your deployed app, and test it.

    Your Google Cloud application's status is still Testing. You should be able to log in and out of your app with the personal Google account you entered on the "Audience" page.

  12. When you are ready for others to use your app, return to the "Audience" page in the Google Auth Platform, and set your application status to Published.


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