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Connect Streamlit to Google Cloud Storage

This guide explains how to securely access files on Google Cloud Storage from Streamlit Community Cloud. It uses Streamlit FilesConnection, the gcsfs library and Streamlit's Secrets management.



If you already have a bucket that you want to use, feel free to skip to the next step.

First, sign up for Google Cloud Platform or log in. Go to the Google Cloud Storage console and create a new bucket.

GCS screenshot 1
GCS screenshot 2

Navigate to the upload section of your new bucket:

GCS screenshot 3
GCS screenshot 4

And upload the following CSV file, which contains some example data:


The Google Cloud Storage API is enabled by default when you create a project through the Google Cloud Console or CLI. Feel free to skip to the next step.

If you do need to enable the API for programmatic access in your project, head over to the APIs & Services dashboard (select or create a project if asked). Search for the Cloud Storage API and enable it. The screenshot below has a blue "Manage" button and indicates the "API is enabled" which means no further action needs to be taken. This is very likely what you have since the API is enabled by default. However, if that is not what you see and you have an "Enable" button, you'll need to enable the API:

GCS screenshot 5
GCS screenshot 6
GCS screenshot 7

To use the Google Cloud Storage API from Streamlit, you need a Google Cloud Platform service account (a special type for programmatic data access). Go to the Service Accounts page and create an account with Viewer permission.

GCS screenshot 8
GCS screenshot 9
GCS screenshot 10


If the button CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT is gray, you don't have the correct permissions. Ask the admin of your Google Cloud project for help.

After clicking DONE, you should be back on the service accounts overview. Create a JSON key file for the new account and download it:

GCS screenshot 11
GCS screenshot 12
GCS screenshot 13

Your local Streamlit app will read secrets from a file .streamlit/secrets.toml in your app's root directory. Create this file if it doesn't exist yet and add the access key to it as shown below:

# .streamlit/secrets.toml [connections.gcs] type = "service_account" project_id = "xxx" private_key_id = "xxx" private_key = "xxx" client_email = "xxx" client_id = "xxx" auth_uri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth" token_uri = "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token" auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs" client_x509_cert_url = "xxx"


Add this file to .gitignore and don't commit it to your GitHub repo!

As the secrets.toml file above is not committed to GitHub, you need to pass its content to your deployed app (on Streamlit Community Cloud) separately. Go to the app dashboard and in the app's dropdown menu, click on Edit Secrets. Copy the content of secrets.toml into the text area. More information is available at Secrets management.

Secrets manager screenshot

Add the FilesConnection and gcsfs packages to your requirements.txt file, preferably pinning the versions (replace x.x.x with the version you want installed):

# requirements.txt gcsfs==x.x.x st-files-connection

Copy the code below to your Streamlit app and run it. Make sure to adapt the name of your bucket and file. Note that Streamlit automatically turns the access keys from your secrets file into environment variables.

# streamlit_app.py import streamlit as st from st_files_connection import FilesConnection # Create connection object and retrieve file contents. # Specify input format is a csv and to cache the result for 600 seconds. conn = st.connection('gcs', type=FilesConnection) df = conn.read("streamlit-bucket/myfile.csv", input_format="csv", ttl=600) # Print results. for row in df.itertuples(): st.write(f"{row.Owner} has a :{row.Pet}:")

See st.connection above? This handles secrets retrieval, setup, result caching and retries. By default, read() results are cached without expiring. In this case, we set ttl=600 to ensure the file contents is cached for no longer than 10 minutes. You can also set ttl=0 to disable caching. Learn more in Caching.

If everything worked out (and you used the example file given above), your app should look like this:

Finished app screenshot

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