

This is an experimental feature. Experimental features and their APIs may change or be removed at any time. To learn more, click here.

A read-only, dict-like object for accessing information about current user.

st.experimental_user is dependant on the host platform running the Streamlit app. If the host platform has not configured the function, it will behave as it does in a locally running app.

Properties can by accessed via key or attribute notation. For example, st.experimental_user["email"] or

Class description[source]



Get user info as a dictionary.


email (str)

If running locally, this property returns the string literal "".

If running on Streamlit Community Cloud, this property returns one of two values:

  • None if the user is not logged in or not a member of the app's workspace. Such users appear under anonymous pseudonyms in the app's analytics.
  • The user's email if the the user is logged in and a member of the app's workspace. Such users are identified by their email in the app's analytics.

The ability to personalize apps for the user viewing the app is a great way to make your app more engaging.

It unlocks a plethora of use-cases for developers, some of which could include: showing additional controls for admins, visualizing a user's Streamlit history, a personalized stock ticker, a chatbot app, and much more. We're excited to see what you build with this feature!

Here's a code snippet that shows extra buttons for admins:

# Show extra buttons for admin users. ADMIN_USERS = { '', '', '' } if in ADMIN_USERS: display_the_extra_admin_buttons() display_the_interface_everyone_sees()

Show different content to users based on their email address:

# Show different content based on the user's email address. if == '': display_jane_content() elif == '': display_adam_content() else: st.write("Please contact us to get access!")

Greet users with their name that's stored in a database:

# Greet the user by their name. if # Get the user's name from the database. name = get_name_from_db( st.write('Hello, %s!' % name)

Get user info as a dictionary.

This method primarily exists for internal use and is not needed for most cases. st.experimental_user returns an object that inherits from dict by default.

Function signature[source]




A dictionary of the current user's information.


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