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You are reading the documentation for Streamlit version 1.38.0, but 1.42.0 is the latest version available.

Function decorator to create a modal dialog.

A function decorated with @st.dialog becomes a dialog function. When you call a dialog function, Streamlit inserts a modal dialog into your app. Streamlit element commands called within the dialog function render inside the modal dialog.

The dialog function can accept arguments that can be passed when it is called. Any values from the dialog that need to be accessed from the wider app should generally be stored in Session State.

A user can dismiss a modal dialog by clicking outside of it, clicking the "X" in its upper-right corner, or pressing ESC on their keyboard. Dismissing a modal dialog does not trigger an app rerun. To close the modal dialog programmatically, call st.rerun() explicitly inside of the dialog function.

st.dialog inherits behavior from st.fragment. When a user interacts with an input widget created inside a dialog function, Streamlit only reruns the dialog function instead of the full script.

Calling st.sidebar in a dialog function is not supported.

Dialog code can interact with Session State, imported modules, and other Streamlit elements created outside the dialog. Note that these interactions are additive across multiple dialog reruns. You are responsible for handling any side effects of that behavior.


Only one dialog function may be called in a script run, which means that only one dialog can be open at any given time.

Function signature[source]

st.dialog(title, *, width="small")


title (str)

The title to display at the top of the modal dialog. It cannot be empty.

width ("small", "large")

The width of the modal dialog. If width is "small (default), the modal dialog will be 500 pixels wide. If width is "large", the modal dialog will be about 750 pixels wide.


The following example demonstrates the basic usage of @st.dialog. In this app, clicking "A" or "B" will open a modal dialog and prompt you to enter a reason for your vote. In the modal dialog, click "Submit" to record your vote into Session State and rerun the app. This will close the modal dialog since the dialog function is not called during the full-script rerun.

import streamlit as st

@st.dialog("Cast your vote")
def vote(item):
    st.write(f"Why is {item} your favorite?")
    reason = st.text_input("Because...")
    if st.button("Submit"):
        st.session_state.vote = {"item": item, "reason": reason}

if "vote" not in st.session_state:
    st.write("Vote for your favorite")
    if st.button("A"):
    if st.button("B"):
    f"You voted for {st.session_state.vote['item']} because {st.session_state.vote['reason']}"

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