

This is an experimental feature. Experimental features and their APIs may change or be removed at any time. To learn more, click here.



This method did not exist in version 1.41.0 of Streamlit.

Persistent memo caches currently don't support TTL. ttl will be ignored if persist is specified:

import streamlit as st @st.experimental_memo(ttl=60, persist="disk") def load_data(): return 42 st.write(load_data())

And a warning will be logged to your terminal:

streamlit run You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser. Local URL: http://localhost:8501 Network URL: 2022-09-22 13:35:41.587 The memoized function 'load_data' has a TTL that will be ignored. Persistent memo caches currently don't support TTL.


This method did not exist in version 1.41.0 of Streamlit.


In the example below, pressing the "Clear All" button will clear memoized values from all functions decorated with @st.experimental_memo.

import streamlit as st @st.experimental_memo def square(x): return x**2 @st.experimental_memo def cube(x): return x**3 if st.button("Clear All"): # Clear values from *all* memoized functions: # i.e. clear values from both square and cube st.experimental_memo.clear()

Functions decorated with @st.experimental_memo can contain static st elements. When a cache-decorated function is executed, we record the element and block messages produced, so the elements will appear in the app even when execution of the function is skipped because the result was cached.

In the example below, the @st.experimental_memo decorator is used to cache the execution of the load_data function, that returns a pandas DataFrame. Notice the cached function also contains a st.area_chart command, which will be replayed when the function is skipped because the result was cached.

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st @st.experimental_memo def load_data(rows): chart_data = pd.DataFrame( np.random.randn(rows, 10), columns=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"], ) # Contains a static element st.area_chart st.area_chart(chart_data) # This will be recorded and displayed even when the function is skipped return chart_data df = load_data(20) st.dataframe(df)

Supported static st elements in cache-decorated functions include:

  • st.alert
  • st.altair_chart
  • st.area_chart
  • st.bar_chart
  • st.ballons
  • st.bokeh_chart
  • st.caption
  • st.code
  • st.components.v1.html
  • st.components.v1.iframe
  • st.container
  • st.dataframe
  • st.echo
  • st.empty
  • st.error
  • st.exception
  • st.expander
  • st.experimental_get_query_params
  • st.experimental_set_query_params
  • st.form
  • st.form_submit_button
  • st.graphviz_chart
  • st.image
  • st.json
  • st.latex
  • st.line_chart
  • st.markdown
  • st.metric
  • st.plotly_chart
  • st.progress
  • st.pydeck_chart
  • st.snow
  • st.spinner
  • st.success
  • st.table
  • st.text
  • st.vega_lite_chart
  • st.warning

In addition to static elements, functions decorated with @st.experimental_memo can also contain input widgets! Replaying input widgets is disabled by default. To enable it, you can set the experimental_allow_widgets parameter for @st.experimental_memo to True. The example below enables widget replaying, and shows the use of a checkbox widget within a cache-decorated function.

import streamlit as st # Enable widget replay @st.experimental_memo(experimental_allow_widgets=True) def func(): # Contains an input widget st.checkbox("Works!") func()

If the cache decorated function contains input widgets, but experimental_allow_widgets is set to False or unset, Streamlit will throw a CachedStFunctionWarning, like the one below:

import streamlit as st # Widget replay is disabled by default @st.experimental_memo def func(): # Streamlit will throw a CachedStFunctionWarning st.checkbox("Doesn't work") func()

Let's demystify how widget replay in cache-decorated functions works and gain a conceptual understanding. Widget values are treated as additional inputs to the function, and are used to determine whether the function should be executed or not. Consider the following example:

import streamlit as st @st.experimental_memo(experimental_allow_widgets=True) def plus_one(x): y = x + 1 if st.checkbox("Nuke the value 💥"): st.write("Value was nuked, returning 0") y = 0 return y st.write(plus_one(2))

The plus_one function takes an integer x as input, and returns x + 1. The function also contains a checkbox widget, which is used to "nuke" the value of x. i.e. the return value of plus_one depends on the state of the checkbox: if it is checked, the function returns 0, otherwise it returns 3.

In order to know which value the cache should return (in case of a cache hit), Streamlit treats the checkbox state (checked / unchecked) as an additional input to the function plus_one (just like x). If the user checks the checkbox (thereby changing its state), we look up the cache for the same value of x (2) and the same checkbox state (checked). If the cache contains a value for this combination of inputs, we return it. Otherwise, we execute the function and store the result in the cache.

Let's now understand how enabling and disabling widget replay changes the behavior of the function.

  • Widgets in cached functions throw a CachedStFunctionWarning and are ignored.
  • Other static elements in cached functions replay as expected.
  • Widgets in cached functions don't lead to a warning, and are replayed as expected.
  • Interacting with a widget in a cached function will cause the function to be executed again, and the cache to be updated.
  • Widgets in cached functions retain their state across reruns.
  • Each unique combination of widget values is treated as a separate input to the function, and is used to determine whether the function should be executed or not. i.e. Each unique combination of widget values has its own cache entry; the cached function runs the first time and the saved value is used afterwards.
  • Calling a cached function multiple times in one script run with the same arguments triggers a DuplicateWidgetID error.
  • If the arguments to a cached function change, widgets from that function that render again retain their state.
  • Changing the source code of a cached function invalidates the cache.
  • Both st.experimental_memo and st.experimental_singleton support widget replay.
  • Fundamentally, the behavior of a function with (supported) widgets in it doesn't change when it is decorated with @st.experimental_memo or @st.experimental_singleton. The only difference is that the function is only executed when we detect a cache "miss".

All input widgets are supported in cache-decorated functions. The following is an exhaustive list of supported widgets:

  • st.button
  • st.camera_input
  • st.checkbox
  • st.color_picker
  • st.date_input
  • st.download_button
  • st.file_uploader
  • st.multiselect
  • st.number_input
  • st.selectbox
  • st.select_slider
  • st.slider
  • st.text_area
  • st.text_input
  • st.time_input

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