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streamlit run <entrypoint file> [-- config options] [script args]

<entrypoint file>: The path to your entrypoint file for your Streamlit app. In a multipage app with st.navigation, your entrypoint file acts as a router between your pages. Otherwise, your entrypoint file is your app's homepage.

Configuration options are passed in the form of --<section>.<option>=<value>. For example, if you want to set the primary color of your app to blue, you could use one of the three equivalent options:

  • --theme.primaryColor=blue
  • --theme.primaryColor="blue"
  • --theme.primaryColor=#0000FF

For a complete list of configuration options, see config.toml in the API reference. For examples, see below.

If you need to pass arguments directly to your script, you can pass them as positional arguments. If you use sys.argv to read your arguments, sys.arfgv returns a list of all arugments and does not include any configuration options. Python interprets all arguments as strings.

  • sys.argv[0] returns the provided path to your entrypoint file (<entrypoint file>).
  • sys.argv[1:] returns a list of arguments in order and does not include any configuration options.
  • If your app is in your working directory, run it as follows:

    streamlit run your_app.py
  • If your app is in a subdirectory, run it as follows:

    streamlit run your_subdirectory/your_app.py
  • If your app is saved in a public GitHub repo or gist, run it as follows:

    streamlit run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streamlit/demo-uber-nyc-pickups/master/streamlit_app.py
  • If you need to set one or more configuration options, run it as follows:

    streamlit run your_app.py --client.showErrorDetails=False --theme.primaryColor=blue
  • If you need to pass an argument to your script, run it as follows:

    streamlit run your_app.py "my list" of arguments

    Within your script, the following statement will be true:

    sys.argv[0] == "your_app.py" sys.argv[1] == "my list" sys.argv[2] == "of" sys.argv[3] == "arguments"

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