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Configure the available pages in a multipage app.

Call st.navigation in your entrypoint file with one or more pages defined by st.Page. st.navigation returns the current page, which can be executed using .run() method.

When using st.navigation, your entrypoint file (the file passed to streamlit run) acts like a router or frame of common elements around each of your pages. Streamlit executes the entrypoint file with every app rerun. To execute the current page, you must call the .run() method on the StreamlitPage object returned by st.navigation.

The set of available pages can be updated with each rerun for dynamic navigation. By default, st.navigation draws the available pages in the side navigation if there is more than one page. This behavior can be changed using the position keyword argument.

As soon as any session of your app executes the st.navigation command, your app will ignore the pages/ directory (across all sessions).

Function signature[source]

st.navigation(pages, *, position="sidebar", expanded=False)


pages (list[StreamlitPage] or dict[str, list[StreamlitPage]])

The available pages for the app.

To create labeled sections or page groupings within the navigation menu, pages must be a dictionary. Each key is the label of a section and each value is the list of StreamlitPage objects for that section.

To create a navigation menu with no sections or page groupings, pages must be a list of StreamlitPage objects.

Use st.Page to create StreamlitPage objects.

position ("sidebar" or "hidden")

The position of the navigation menu. If position is "sidebar" (default), the navigation widget appears at the top of the sidebar. If position is "hidden", the navigation widget is not displayed.

If there is only one page in pages, the navigation will be hidden for any value of position.

expanded (bool)

Whether the navigation menu should be expanded. If this is False (default), the navigation menu will be collapsed and will include a button to view more options when there are too many pages to display. If this is True, the navigation menu will always be expanded; no button to collapse the menu will be displayed.

If st.navigation changes from expanded=True to expanded=False on a rerun, the menu will stay expanded and a collapse button will be displayed.



The current page selected by the user.


The following examples show possible entrypoint files, which is the file you pass to streamlit run. Your entrypoint file manages your app's navigation and serves as a router between pages.

Example 1: Use a callable or Python file as a page

You can declare pages from callables or file paths.

page_1.py (in the same directory as your entrypoint file):

import streamlit as st

st.title("Page 1")

Your entrypoint file:

import streamlit as st

def page_2():
    st.title("Page 2")

pg = st.navigation([st.Page("page_1.py"), st.Page(page_2)])

Example 2: Group pages into sections

You can use a dictionary to create sections within your navigation menu. In the following example, each page is similar to Page 1 in Example 1, and all pages are in the same directory. However, you can use Python files from anywhere in your repository. For more information, see st.Page.

Directory structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ create_account.py
β”œβ”€β”€ learn.py
β”œβ”€β”€ manage_account.py
β”œβ”€β”€ streamlit_app.py
└── trial.py


import streamlit as st

pages = {
    "Your account": [
        st.Page("create_account.py", title="Create your account"),
        st.Page("manage_account.py", title="Manage your account"),
    "Resources": [
        st.Page("learn.py", title="Learn about us"),
        st.Page("trial.py", title="Try it out"),

pg = st.navigation(pages)

Example 3: Stateful widgets across multiple pages

Call widget functions in your entrypoint file when you want a widget to be stateful across pages. Assign keys to your common widgets and access their values through Session State within your pages.

import streamlit as st

def page1():

def page2():

# Widgets shared by all the pages
st.sidebar.selectbox("Foo", ["A", "B", "C"], key="foo")
st.sidebar.checkbox("Bar", key="bar")

pg = st.navigation([st.Page(page1), st.Page(page2)])

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