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This page only contains the st.connection API. For a deeper dive into creating and managing data connections within Streamlit apps, read Connecting to data.

Create a new connection to a data store or API, or return an existing one.

Configuration options, credentials, and secrets for connections are combined from the following sources:

  • The keyword arguments passed to this command.
  • The app's secrets.toml files.
  • Any connection-specific configuration files.

The connection returned from st.connection is internally cached with st.cache_resource and is therefore shared between sessions.

Function signature[source]

st.connection(name, type=None, max_entries=None, ttl=None, **kwargs)


name (str)

The connection name used for secrets lookup in secrets.toml. Streamlit uses secrets under [connections.<name>] for the connection. type will be inferred if name is one of the following: "snowflake", "snowpark", or "sql".

type (str, connection class, or None)

The type of connection to create. This can be one of the following:

  • None (default): Streamlit will infer the connection type from name. If the type is not inferrable from name, the type must be specified in secrets.toml instead.
  • "snowflake": Streamlit will initialize a connection with SnowflakeConnection.
  • "snowpark": Streamlit will initialize a connection with SnowparkConnection. This is deprecated.
  • "sql": Streamlit will initialize a connection with SQLConnection.
  • A string path to an importable class: This must be a dot-separated module path ending in the importable class. Streamlit will import the class and initialize a connection with it. The class must extend st.connections.BaseConnection.
  • An imported class reference: Streamlit will initialize a connection with the referenced class, which must extend st.connections.BaseConnection.

max_entries (int or None)

The maximum number of connections to keep in the cache. If this is None (default), the cache is unbounded. Otherwise, when a new entry is added to a full cache, the oldest cached entry is removed.

ttl (float, timedelta, or None)

The maximum number of seconds to keep results in the cache. If this is None (default), cached results do not expire with time.

**kwargs (any)

Connection-specific keyword arguments that are passed to the connection's ._connect() method. **kwargs are typically combined with (and take precendence over) key-value pairs in secrets.toml. To learn more, see the specific connection's documentation.


(Subclass of BaseConnection)

An initialized connection object of the specified type.


Example 1: Inferred connection type

The easiest way to create a first-party (SQL, Snowflake, or Snowpark) connection is to use their default names and define corresponding sections in your secrets.toml file. The following example creates a "sql"-type connection.


dialect = "xxx"
host = "xxx"
username = "xxx"
password = "xxx"

Your app code:

import streamlit as st
conn = st.connection("sql")

Example 2: Named connections

Creating a connection with a custom name requires you to explicitly specify the type. If type is not passed as a keyword argument, it must be set in the appropriate section of secrets.toml. The following example creates two "sql"-type connections, each with their own custom name. The first defines type in the st.connection command; the second defines type in secrets.toml.


dialect = "xxx"
host = "xxx"
username = "xxx"
password = "xxx"

type = "sql"
dialect = "yyy"
host = "yyy"
username = "yyy"
password = "yyy"

Your app code:

import streamlit as st
conn1 = st.connection("first_connection", type="sql")
conn2 = st.connection("second_connection")

Example 3: Using a path to the connection class

Passing the full module path to the connection class can be useful, especially when working with a custom connection. Although this is not the typical way to create first party connections, the following example creates the same type of connection as one with type="sql". Note that type is a string path.


url = "xxx+xxx://xxx:xxx@xxx:xxx/xxx"

Your app code:

import streamlit as st
conn = st.connection(
    "my_sql_connection", type="streamlit.connections.SQLConnection"

Example 4: Importing the connection class

You can pass the connection class directly to the st.connection command. Doing so allows static type checking tools such as mypy to infer the exact return type of st.connection. The following example creates the same connection as in Example 3.


url = "xxx+xxx://xxx:xxx@xxx:xxx/xxx"

Your app code:

import streamlit as st
from streamlit.connections import SQLConnection
conn = st.connection("my_sql_connection", type=SQLConnection)

For a comprehensive overview of this feature, check out this video tutorial by Joshua Carroll, Streamlit's Product Manager for Developer Experience. You'll learn about the feature's utility in creating and managing data connections within your apps by using real-world examples.


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