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You are reading the documentation for Streamlit in Snowflake. For open-source Streamlit, version 1.41.0 is the latest version available.

Display a chart using the Altair library.

Function signature[source]

st.altair_chart(altair_chart, use_container_width=False, theme="streamlit")


altair_chart (altair.vegalite.v2.api.Chart)

The Altair chart object to display.

use_container_width (bool)

If True, set the chart width to the column width. This takes precedence over Altair's native width value.

theme ("streamlit" or None)

The theme of the chart. Currently, we only support "streamlit" for the Streamlit defined design or None to fallback to the default behavior of the library.


import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt

chart_data = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(20, 3),
    columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])

c = alt.Chart(chart_data).mark_circle().encode(
    x='a', y='b', size='c', color='c', tooltip=['a', 'b', 'c'])

st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True)

Examples of Altair charts can be found at https://altair-viz.github.io/gallery/.



This method does not exist in Streamlit in Snowflake.

Concatenate a dataframe to the bottom of the current one.

Function signature[source]

element.add_rows(data=None, **kwargs)


data (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Styler, pyarrow.Table, numpy.ndarray, pyspark.sql.DataFrame, snowflake.snowpark.dataframe.DataFrame, Iterable, dict, or None)

Table to concat. Optional. Pyarrow tables are not supported by Streamlit's legacy DataFrame serialization (i.e. with config.dataFrameSerialization = "legacy"). To use pyarrow tables, please enable pyarrow by changing the config setting, config.dataFrameSerialization = "arrow".

**kwargs (pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray, Iterable, dict, or None)

The named dataset to concat. Optional. You can only pass in 1 dataset (including the one in the data parameter).


import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
   np.random.randn(50, 20),
   columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(20)))

my_table = st.table(df1)

df2 = pd.DataFrame(
   np.random.randn(50, 20),
   columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(20)))

# Now the table shown in the Streamlit app contains the data for
# df1 followed by the data for df2.

You can do the same thing with plots. For example, if you want to add more data to a line chart:

# Assuming df1 and df2 from the example above still exist...
my_chart = st.line_chart(df1)
# Now the chart shown in the Streamlit app contains the data for
# df1 followed by the data for df2.

And for plots whose datasets are named, you can pass the data with a keyword argument where the key is the name:

my_chart = st.vega_lite_chart({
    'mark': 'line',
    'encoding': {'x': 'a', 'y': 'b'},
    'datasets': {
      'some_fancy_name': df1,  # <-- named dataset
    'data': {'name': 'some_fancy_name'},
my_chart.add_rows(some_fancy_name=df2)  # <-- name used as keyword

Altair charts are displayed using the Streamlit theme by default. This theme is sleek, user-friendly, and incorporates Streamlit's color palette. The added benefit is that your charts better integrate with the rest of your app's design.

The Streamlit theme is available from Streamlit 1.16.0 through the theme="streamlit" keyword argument. To disable it, and use Altair's native theme, use theme=None instead.

Let's look at an example of charts with the Streamlit theme and the native Altair theme:

import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data source = data.cars() chart = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode( x='Horsepower', y='Miles_per_Gallon', color='Origin', ).interactive() tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Streamlit theme (default)", "Altair native theme"]) with tab1: # Use the Streamlit theme. # This is the default. So you can also omit the theme argument. st.altair_chart(chart, theme="streamlit", use_container_width=True) with tab2: # Use the native Altair theme. st.altair_chart(chart, theme=None, use_container_width=True)

Click the tabs in the interactive app below to see the charts with the Streamlit theme enabled and disabled.

If you're wondering if your own customizations will still be taken into account, don't worry! You can still make changes to your chart configurations. In other words, although we now enable the Streamlit theme by default, you can overwrite it with custom colors or fonts. For example, if you want a chart line to be green instead of the default red, you can do it!

Here's an example of an Altair chart where manual color passing is done and reflected:

See the codeexpand_more
import altair as alt import streamlit as st from vega_datasets import data source = data.seattle_weather() scale = alt.Scale( domain=["sun", "fog", "drizzle", "rain", "snow"], range=["#e7ba52", "#a7a7a7", "#aec7e8", "#1f77b4", "#9467bd"], ) color = alt.Color("weather:N", scale=scale) # We create two selections: # - a brush that is active on the top panel # - a multi-click that is active on the bottom panel brush = alt.selection_interval(encodings=["x"]) click = alt.selection_multi(encodings=["color"]) # Top panel is scatter plot of temperature vs time points = ( alt.Chart() .mark_point() .encode( alt.X("monthdate(date):T", title="Date"), alt.Y( "temp_max:Q", title="Maximum Daily Temperature (C)", scale=alt.Scale(domain=[-5, 40]), ), color=alt.condition(brush, color, alt.value("lightgray")), size=alt.Size("precipitation:Q", scale=alt.Scale(range=[5, 200])), ) .properties(width=550, height=300) .add_selection(brush) .transform_filter(click) ) # Bottom panel is a bar chart of weather type bars = ( alt.Chart() .mark_bar() .encode( x="count()", y="weather:N", color=alt.condition(click, color, alt.value("lightgray")), ) .transform_filter(brush) .properties( width=550, ) .add_selection(click) ) chart = alt.vconcat(points, bars, data=source, title="Seattle Weather: 2012-2015") tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Streamlit theme (default)", "Altair native theme"]) with tab1: st.altair_chart(chart, theme="streamlit", use_container_width=True) with tab2: st.altair_chart(chart, theme=None, use_container_width=True)

Notice how the custom colors are still reflected in the chart, even when the Streamlit theme is enabled πŸ‘‡

For many more examples of Altair charts with and without the Streamlit theme, check out the altair.streamlit.app.


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