Display an interactive Bokeh chart.
Bokeh is a charting library for Python. The arguments to this function closely follow the ones for Bokeh's show function. You can find more about Bokeh at https://bokeh.pydata.org.
To show Bokeh charts in Streamlit, call st.bokeh_chart wherever you would call Bokeh's show.
Function signature[source] | |
st.bokeh_chart(figure, use_container_width=False) | |
Parameters | |
figure (bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure) | A Bokeh figure to plot. |
use_container_width (bool) | Whether to override the figure's native width with the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is False (default), Streamlit sets the width of the chart to fit its contents according to the plotting library, up to the width of the parent container. If use_container_width is True, Streamlit sets the width of the figure to match the width of the parent container. |
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