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Configure a progress column in st.dataframe or st.data_editor.

Cells need to contain a number. Progress columns are not editable at the moment. This command needs to be used in the column_config parameter of st.dataframe or st.data_editor.

Function signature[source]

st.column_config.ProgressColumn(label=None, *, width=None, help=None, pinned=None, format=None, min_value=None, max_value=None)


label (str or None)

The label shown at the top of the column. If this is None (default), the column name is used.

width ("small", "medium", "large", or None)

The display width of the column. If this is None (default), the column will be sized to fit the cell contents. Otherwise, this can be one of the following:

  • "small": 75px wide
  • "medium": 200px wide
  • "large": 400px wide

help (str or None)

A tooltip that gets displayed when hovering over the column label. If this is None (default), no tooltip is displayed.

The tooltip can optionally contain GitHub-flavored Markdown, including the Markdown directives described in the body parameter of st.markdown.

format (str, "plain", "localized", "percent", "dollar", "euro", "accounting", "compact", "scientific", "engineering", or None)

A format string controlling how the numbers are displayed. This can be one of the following values:

  • None (default): Streamlit infers the formatting from the data.
  • "plain": Show the full number without any formatting (e.g. "1234.567").
  • "localized": Show the number in the default locale format (e.g. "1,234.567").
  • "percent": Show the number as a percentage (e.g. "123456.70%").
  • "dollar": Show the number as a dollar amount (e.g. "$1,234.57").
  • "euro": Show the number as a euro amount (e.g. "€1,234.57").
  • "accounting": Show the number in an accounting format (e.g. "1,234.00").
  • "compact": Show the number in a compact format (e.g. "1.2K").
  • "scientific": Show the number in scientific notation (e.g. "1.235E3").
  • "engineering": Show the number in engineering notation (e.g. "1.235E3").
  • printf-style format string: Format the number with a printf specifier, like "%d" to show a signed integer (e.g. "1234") or "%X" to show an unsigned hexidecimal integer (e.g. "4D2"). You can also add prefixes and suffixes. To show British pounds, use "£ %.2f" (e.g. "£ 1234.57"). For more information, see sprint-js.

Number formatting from column_config always takes precedence over number formatting from pandas.Styler. The number formatting does not impact the return value when used in st.data_editor.

pinned (bool or None)

Whether the column is pinned. A pinned column will stay visible on the left side no matter where the user scrolls. If this is None (default), Streamlit will decide: index columns are pinned, and data columns are not pinned.

min_value (int, float, or None)

The minimum value of the progress bar. If this is None (default), the minimum will be 0.

max_value (int, float, or None)

The maximum value of the progress bar. If this is None (default), the maximum will be 100 for integer values and 1.0 for float values.


import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st

data_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "sales": [200, 550, 1000, 80],

        "sales": st.column_config.ProgressColumn(
            "Sales volume",
            help="The sales volume in USD",

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